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A Paradigm For Culture Theory
A Paradigm For Culture Theory
A. Narayanamoorthy , R.V. Bhavani , R. Sujatha
A. Narayanamoorthy , R.V. Bhavani , R. Sujatha
A.G. Noorani
A.G. Noorani

Noorani or Ghafoorbhai, as he was more popularly known, was a polymath and much more. One of the sharpest minds on constitutional law and a prolific writer on a range of subjects, he had a deep sense of justice and was committed to secularism, equity, and progressive ideas. His repertoire of writing spanned domestic politics, jurisprudence as well as international relations, contemporary as well as historical.

A.V. Sakthidharan
A.V. Sakthidharan
Aamer Hussein
Aamer Hussein
Abdul Rahman Siddiqi
Abdul Rahman Siddiqi
Abhirami Girija Sriram and Ravi Shanker
Abhirami Girija Sriram and Ravi Shanker
Abhishek Majumdar
Abhishek Majumdar

Abhishek Majumdar is a playwright, director and essayist. Apart from theatre, he has worked in cinema and opera. He is the Artistic Director of Nalanda Arts Studio, Bengaluru, and heads the theatre programme at the New York University, Abu Dhabi. His best-known plays include Kaumudi, Eidgah Ke Jinnat, Muktidham and Pah-la.

Achin Vanaik
Achin Vanaik
Adam Hanieh
Adam Hanieh
Agnes Smedley
Agnes Smedley
Ahmad Bashir
Ahmad Bashir
Aijaz Ahmad
Aijaz Ahmad

Aijaz Ahmad (1941-2022) was one of India's best-known Marxist scholars. His best-known books include In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literatures (1992), Lineages of the Present: Ideological and Political Genealogies of Contemporary South Asia (1996), and, from LeftWord Books, Nothing Human is Alien to Me: Aijaz Ahmad in conversation with Vijay Prashad (2020), Iraq, Afghanistan and the Imperialism of Our Time (2004).

Ailsa M Watkinson
Ailsa M Watkinson
Aime Cesaire
Aime Cesaire
Aishwary Kumar
Aishwary Kumar
Ajay Gudavarthy
Ajay Gudavarthy
Ajay Navaria
Ajay Navaria
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