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Author by : E P Thompson , Dan Smith
Aakar Books 2009
Language: English
248 Pages
In Stock!
Price INR 295.0 Price USD 15.0
Contributors:Ken Coates, W.H. Ferry, David Holloway, Mary Kaldor, George Kistiakowasky, Jonathan A. Leonard, Henry T. Nash, Emma Rothschild, Dan Smith, and E. P. Thompson. Originally published in 1981,Protest and Survivepresents a broad spectrum of opinion and information on the dangers inherent in U.S. military and foreign policy, and the nuclear confrontation between Washington and Moscow that threatened the entire globe. Decades later, its words are just as relevant. The United States continues to wield a massive nuclear arsenal and use it to advance a strategy of global imperialism. First-strike policies, “tactical” nuclear weapons, and pre-emptive war are becoming increasingly central to the expansion of U.S. empire, thus putting the security of all humanity at risk. More than a historical document,Protest and Survivehelps us better understand the dangers of long-term U.S. nuclear strategy, and reminds us that it is a strategy we can resist.
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LeftWord Books
Aakar Books
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