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Author by : Praveen Davar
Aakar Books 2022
Language: English
322 Pages
In Stock!
Price INR 995.0 Price USD 49.75
Freedom Struggle and Beyond is a collection of articles, in national dailies, written by Praveen Davar on the Independence Movement and the making of Modern India. The latter part includes all the wars fought by India after independence till 1971 which is a glorious chapter in the history of the subcontinent and India’s ‘finest hour’. The book is an inspiring account of the sage of freedom struggle and the building of modern India. It encapsulates the views of the stalwarts of the freedom struggle and makers of modern India which are extremely inspiring and of immense value to scholars and the students of modern history. AsDr. Karan Singhhas written in his foreward, ‘taken together, this book is an interesting and useful contribution to our contemporary intellectual discourse.’
See more by Praveen Davar
Aakar Books
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact