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Author by : Ishtiaq Ahmed
Aakar Books 2022
Language: English
192 Pages
In Stock!
Price INR 695.0 Price USD 34.75
This book traces the contribution of Punjabis born before the Partition of India in 1947 to Indian cinema telling the story of their contributions at three centres of Hindustani-language films at Bombay, Calcutta and Lahore. Prof. Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmedwas born in Lahore on February 24, 1947. He holds a PhD in Political Science from Stockholm University. He is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Stockholm University. He has published several books including the award winning ,Jonnah: His Successes, Failures and Role in History, Penguin, New Delhi, 2020. His book,The Punjab Bloodied, Partitioned and Cleansed: Unravelling the 1947 Tragedy through Secret British Reports and First-Person Account,Oxford University Press, Karachi won the Best Non-Fiction Book Award at the Karachi Literature Festival, 2013 and at the Lahore Literary Festival, 2013. Its Indian edition was published by Rupa Books, 2011. Urdu (2015, Hindi (2018, Aakar Books) and Gurumukhi Punjabi editions of the book have also been published.
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Tulika Books
Aakar Books
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