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Author by : Mike Wayne
Aakar Books 2009
Language: English
304 Pages
In Stock!
Price INR 495.0 Price USD 24.75
Although media studies is a popular academic discipline, there are remarkably few books that analyses it from a specifically Marxist perspective. This book is ideal for all students of media studies who are interested in bringing a radical political methodology to bear on their work. Drawing on Marx, Lukacs, Gramsci, Habermas, Jameson and other writers, this book provides a comprehensive exposition of the key concepts required for a Marxist analysis of the media and current cultural trends. Reexamining such concepts as class, mode of production, culture industries, the state, base-superstructure, ideology, hegemony, knowledge and social interests, and commodity fetishism, this book ranges across film, television, the internet and print media. The analysis is carefully grounded in case studies ranging from digital file swapping to Disney, from reality TV shows ‘Big Brother’ to the spirits and specters in such films as ‘The Others’, ‘The Devil’s Backbone’ and ‘Dark City’, which illuminate the fetishism of culture and society under capital.
See more by Mike Wayne
Aakar Books
LeftWord Books
Tulika Books
Dev Books