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Author by : Hal Draper
Aakar Books 2011
Language: English
2678 Pages
In Stock!
Price INR 2575.0 Price USD 128.75
“This is a work of Marxology in the best sense of the term. I am convinced that it is and will remain an indispensable source for all serious students of Marxian ideas in the broad field of politics and political science. There is nothing in the existing literature which is even remotely comparable to it.” -Paul M Sweezy Volume 1: State and Bureaucracy The first book of Hal Draper’s definitive and masterful study of Marx’s political thought. “Extraordinarily stimulating. Discusses Marx’s views on democracy and many other topics, large and small.” -New YorkReview of Books ISBN: 978-93-5002-133-0 Rs. 695.00 Volume 2: The Politics of Social Classes
See more by Hal Draper
Aakar Books
LeftWord Books
Tulika Books
Dev Books