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Edited by : Anagha Kamble, Anirudh Deshpande
Aakar Books 2023
Language: English
283 Pages
In Stock!
Price INR 850.0 Price USD 42.5
What is cinema and how do social scientists view it critically? Why is cinema important to our understanding of modern society? What does cinema mean to a film crazy society like India? What is the past, present, and possible future of Indian cinema? How has Indian cinema shaped Indian mentalities and how has it been influenced by ideologies present in Indian society? This edited collection of sixteen essays by distinguished scholars answers these questions. The book is aimed at cinema scholars and anyone who is interested in looking at cinema as a serious social expression in a changing world. Anirudh Deshpande is Professor, Deparment of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Delhi, Delhi. Anagha Kamble is Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
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Aakar Books
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Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
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