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Author by : Denzil Saldanha
Aakar Books 2019
Language: English
276 Pages
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Price INR 895.0 Price USD 44.75
This study attempts to identify some key cultural practices, belief systems and aesthetic expressions, as illustrative cases, that might be contributing to present day adivasi ethnic identity; uncovering their basis, if any, in the life and agricultural cycles, and the struggle for livelihood; thus, analyzing the relation between ethnic identity and class as a politico economic identity; interpreting the essential elements of the belief systems underlying contemporary ritual practices and accompanying incantations and identifying the residual travces, if any, of the ancient Lokayata materialist philosophy, as some scholars have suggested; and finally, drawing out the significance of the foregoing for a theory and practice of adivasi identity within processes of hegemonically structured, social transformation. The three introductory chapters on perspectives draw on one’s earlier publications on adivasi political consciousness, orgnaization and action within the political economy of the region covering close to two hundred years in Palghar district, Maharashtra (Saldanha 2015 a); and the holistic conceptual framework and epistemological approach presented in a comparative perspective with the writings in the volumes ofSubaltern Studieson the peasantry (Saldanha 2015 b). While this publication may be read independently, it may be seen as one attempt to undertake an interpretative dialogue between the epistemology of social science and the epistemologies of adivasi ethnic-class consciousness within the labyrinth of the dynamics of dominant hegemony. The book and the related publications might be of relevance to those working within the social sciences and indeed to all concerned citizens functioning within dominant hegemonic processes that tend to enforce cultural uniformity.
See more by Denzil Saldanha
Aakar Books
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
Tulika Books