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Author by : PARTHIV SHAH
Tulika Books 2010
Language: English
228 Pages
Out of Stock!
Price INR 950.0 Price USD 47.5
Art as Witness is a cluster of barbed writings and biting images from the underbelly of turbulent India and its neighbouring countries. Relying on the sustained work of eminent photographers and artists on rights issues in and around South Asia, and on writings by courageous activists, lawyers, journalists and social scientists, the book focuses on the terror unleashed by armies, states and courts of law, and tells the stories of brave survivors. Here, text and image are strained to their limits to convey the hopes and anguish of prisoners, death-row victims, murder-victim families, families of missing people, populations living under martial law, and displaced communities, in a world where democratic rights and freedoms are shrinking every day. , Based on Amnesty International India’s ‘Art for Activism’ project, this book hopes to strengthen global campaigns for a world without fear and torture, a world without death penalty, or disappearances and custodial violence. It hopes to reach out to a wider and more diverse readership/viewership through its parallel narrative of images as visual testimonies, and spillover references to the popular worlds of cinema, music, slogan and performance.
See more by PARTHIV SHAH
Tulika Books
Aakar Books