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Palla Trinadha Rao
Aakar Books 2014
Language: English
144 Pages
In Stock!
Price INR 295.0 USD 15.0
Andhra Pradesh has seen revolts and rebellions by the Adivasis, initially against British domination resulting in imposition of alien land laws and governance systems. These in turn led to enactment of some of the most progressive protective land laws in the country in order to contain the revolts and for peace. But an administration under the political control of the dominant non-tribal sections along with economic and development policies and programmes that promote Adivasi land and resource appropriation in pursuit of profits, in effect, failed to deliver justice. This in turn has seen repeated waves of militant struggles to reoccupy their alienated land. It has been a story of repeated betrayals and revolts.
See more by Palla Trinadha Rao
Aakar Books
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact
Tulika Books