The Brenner Debate; Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe

Edited by : C. H. E. Philpin, Trevor Aston

Aakar Books 2005

Language: English

339 Pages

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Price INR 495.0 Price USD 24.75

About the Book

‘In their brief editorial introduction to this volume, Aston and Philpin remark: “The Brenner Debate…may justifiably lay claim to being one of the most important historical debates of recent years, and goes back, in one form or another, to at least the time of Marx” (p. vii). The republication of the debate, as it appeared in the journal ‘Past and Present’ from 1976 to 1982, together with a new, short introduction by Rodney Hilton, is therefore to be welcomed. For a debate as important and wide-ranging as this is, publication in one volume is vital’. —Journal of Historical Geography

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