Feudal Society (in 2 Vols.)

Author by : Marc Bloch

Aakar Books 2017

Language: English

748 Pages

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Price INR 995.0 Price USD 49.75

About the Book

Feudal Societyis considered to be a standard international treatise on feudalism. It is the last product of his scholarly activities. These volumes open up a view of Middle Ages much wider and truer than most other studies of dealing ostensibly with the same subject. Marc Blochwas a mediaeval historian, University Professor and French Army officer. Bloch was a founder of the Annales School, best known for his pioneering studyFrench Rural Historyand his posthumously-published unfinished meditation on the writing of hisory,The Historian’s Craft. He was captured and shot by the Gestapo during the German occupation of France for his work in the French Resistance.

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