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Edited by : Harry Martel , Howard Selsam
Aakar Books 2018
Language: English
384 Pages
In Stock!
Price INR 595.0 USD 29.75
This volume is desined to provide a coherent and systemic presentation of the Marxist world outlook as given by the great exponents themselves. It is the first volume deveoted exclusively to their philosophical writings, many of which have been scattered through innumerable worls. The book is divided as follows: (I)What Marxism Is; (II)Materialism-Verus Idealism, (III) Dialecticcs and the Dialectical Method; (IV) Theory of Knowledge and the Philosophy of Science; (V) THe Materialist Interpretation of History; (VI) Religion; (VI) Ethics. Appendix A: The Formative Period; Appendix B: Lenin’sPhilosophical Notebooks.
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See more by Howard Selsam
Tulika Books
Dev Books
Aakar Books
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