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Edited by : Rajesh Kumar, Om Prakash
Aakar Books 2018
Language: English
In Stock!
Price INR 995.0 Price USD 49.75
Just as each blossom that answers the call of springs iscuriously unique in itself being born out of a distincthue and fragrance and texture andrustle meltingtogether so is the collection of papers in this book thatbrings together researchers working in paradoxes andcomplexities of cultural identities through uses oflanguage and literature from varied perspectives, yeteach paper emerges and sustains itself through arationale so singular which is clearly demonstratedfrom the title Linguistic Foundations of Identity:Readings in Language, Literature and Contemporary Cultures…… Publication of this volume is an important steptowards achieving the goal of reaching out to manywho have been looking at the complexities of identityformation from linguistic, cultural, social and politicalperspectives.
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See more by Om Prakash
Aakar Books
Tulika Books