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Author by : Vulli Dhanaraju
Aakar Books 2016
Language: English
296 Pages
In Stock!
Price INR 895.0 Price USD 44.75
The book is divided into four thematic sections covering 14 chapters and introduction by historians and scholars in order to understand the regional environmental history in the Indian subcontinent. Recently some historians have started to focus on regional environmental history as a way to systemize their study of the interaction between humans and nature. These regions have always existed in the Indian subcontinent for a long time. This approach inspires the historians to create a new outlook in writing of environmental history from regional perspective. The studies so far highlighted the local peculiarities and specificities and interaction with the broad agenda of environmental changes with consequence of the transformation of landscapes into resource generating zones during colonial period. Most of these micro level studies thinly documented the complex interaction between man and nature and its manifestations with regional peculiarities and specificities and interactions. Indeed, regional environment has an importance of its own particularly in a vast country like India with its numerous historical regions. A proper study of the regional history with its historical background is necessary to understand the unique features of India. Thus the readers will find this book dealing with regional concepts and issues in the study of environmental history in the Indian subcontinent.
See more by Vulli Dhanaraju
Aakar Books
LeftWord Books