The Agrarian Question in Marx and his Successors

Volume 1

Author by : Utsa Patnaik


LeftWord Books 2011

Language: English

332 Pages

5.5 x 8.5 Inches

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Price INR 495.0 Price USD 25.0

About the Book

Modern economic writings do not possess a correct theory of rent arising specifically from ownership of landed property. This conceptual famine has seriously affected the analysis of agriculture in developing economies, where agriculture employs two-thirds of the workforce, and where three-fifths of the land is owned by less than a tenth of the landowners. It also hampers us in understanding the agrarian crisis that is engulfing many countries of the Third World.

The selection of readings put together in this volume is in three parts. The first part deals with Marx's writings on pre-capitalist relationships, and that aspect of the primitive accumulation of capital which relates to the formation of a propertyless labour force. The second part is devoted to the Marxist theory of rent, in particular to understanding the crucial distinction made by Marx between what he termed 'absolute ground rent', and Ricardo's concept, which he termed 'differential rent'. The third part relates to the process of capitalist development in agriculture and the formation of a class of capitalist producers. The editor's erudite and lucid Introduction lays out the terrain of the argument and makes Marx's theory of rent more accessible and comprehensible to the lay reader.

Utsa Patnaik
UTSA PATNAIK retired as Professor of Economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She has written extensively on political economy, capitalism and the agrarian question. She is the author of The Long Transition: Essays on Political Economy (1999), and The Republic of Hunger and Other Essays (2007), and has edited two volumes of The Agrarian Question in Marx and his Successors for LeftWord Books.

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