A World to Win

Essays on The Communist Manifesto

Edited by : Prakash Karat

Contributors : Aijaz Ahmad , Prabhat Patnaik , Irfan Habib , Prabhat Patnaik


LeftWord Books 1999

Language: English

152 Pages

5.5 x 8.5 Inches

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Price INR 250.0 Price USD 15.0

About the Book

It has been more influential in the making of the modern world than any other piece of political writing. Rarely has call to arms been phrased in a language of such zest, beauty and purity. One hundred and fifty years after it was written, the Manifesto shows us an image of our own, present-day globalized capitalism with stunning clarity and accuracy.

Edited, with an introduction, by Prakash Karat, the present volume contains essays by three of India's foremost Marxist scholars, Aijaz Ahmad, Irfan Habib and Prabhat Patnaik, who explain the relevance of the Manifesto in terms of Marxist theory and praxis.

The volume also contains the complete text of The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Preface to the English Edition of 1888 by Frederick Engels, and a note on the publishing history of the Manifesto in India.

Prakash Karat
Prakash Karat is a member of the Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist). He served as General Secretary of the party from 2005 to 2015. He is the author of Language and Nationality Politics in India (1972) and Subordinate Ally: The Nuclear Deal and India-US Strategic Relations (LeftWord 2008), and editor of A World to Win—Essays on the Communist Manifesto (LeftWord 1999) and Across Time and Continents: A Tribute to Victor Kiernan (LeftWord 2003). He is Managing Director of Naya Rasta Publishers Private Limited, of which LeftWord Books is an imprint.

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Aijaz Ahmad
Aijaz Ahmad (1941-2022) was one of India's best-known Marxist scholars. His best-known books include In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literatures (1992), Lineages of the Present: Ideological and Political Genealogies of Contemporary South Asia (1996), and, from LeftWord Books, Nothing Human is Alien to Me: Aijaz Ahmad in conversation with Vijay Prashad (2020), Iraq, Afghanistan and the Imperialism of Our Time (2004).

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Prabhat Patnaik
Prabhat Patnaik retired as Professor of Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He is the author of Time, Inflation and Growth (1988), Economics and Egalitarianism (1991), Whatever Happened to Imperialism and other essays (1995), Accumulation and Stability under Capitalism (1997), The Retreat to Unfreedom (2003), The Value of Money (2008) and Re-Envisioning Socialism (2011). He is the Editor of the journal Social Scientist.

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Irfan Habib
Irfan Habib, Professor Emeritus at the Aligarh Muslim University, is the author of The Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1556–1707 (1963; revised edition 1999), An Atlas of the Mughal Empire (1982), Essays in Indian History: Towards a Marxist Perception (1995), Medieval India: The Study of a Civilization (2007), Economic History of Medieval India, 1200–1500 (with collaborators) (2011) and Atlas of Ancient Indian History (with Faiz Habib) (2012). He has co-edited The Cambridge Economic History of India, Vol. I (1982), UNESCO’S History of Humanity, Vols. 4 and 5, and UNESCO’S History of Central Asia, Vol. 5. He is the General Editor of the People’s History of India, and has authored several volumes in the series.

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Prabhat Patnaik
Prabhat Patnaik retired as Professor of Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He is the author of Time, Inflation and Growth (1988), Economics and Egalitarianism (1991), Whatever Happened to Imperialism and other essays (1995), Accumulation and Stability under Capitalism (1997), The Retreat to Unfreedom (2003), The Value of Money (2008) and Re-Envisioning Socialism (2011). He is the Editor of the journal Social Scientist.

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