Along with her husband, the late advocate Hardev Singh, Manjeet H. Singh has, over the past four decades, documented and untiringly pursued the cases of the victims and survivors of the 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom. The author is passionate about reading and social work. Her personal library holds over 6,000 books, including rare titles. For over twenty years, she has worked to support marginal farmers in Punjab, many of whom have been adversely impacted by the Green Revolution. She co-founded an organization to assist families of farmers who died by suicide and launched the Punjab Farmers’ Trust to provide low-interest loans to those transitioning to organic farming. She continues to support the widows of the 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom, who live in abject neglect in the ‘Widows’ Ghetto’, Tilak Vihar. She is currently working on a book on the history of Punjab.

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